Hans: a comic strip by John D. Moore
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The characters that inhabit the world of "Hans" make it a colorful place. Some are grossly underused, but are available when the story requires. It's a small area they live in and, as such, almost everybody knows one another.

Age: 12
Sex: Male
A dense young lad and the protagonist, as it were, of this strip. He lives with his mother and spends his days basking in his youthfulness, ignorant of the real world. Did we mention he's dense?
First appearance: September 17th, 2001
Age: 13
Sex: Female
She's Hans' "girl" "friend." A pretty, smart lass who can't explain why she likes Hans as she does. She lives in the valley with her family.
First appearance: September 17th, 2001
Age: 33
Sex: Female
A level-headed widow who works as a seamstress part-time at "The Dresser" and operates a small farm. From this farm, she provides her own food and manages to pick up some extra cash selling items to the general store in town.
First appearance: September 19th, 2001
Age: 18
Sex: Male
What can we say about Polo? Polo's one of the sheep that live in the barn. And he smokes, and shows absolutely no desire to quit, despite his owners wanting him to.
First appearance: December 7th, 2001
Dr. Henri
Age: 53
Sex: Male
A French doctor who works at the local free clinic, Dr. Maurice Henri moved here with his wife from Paris, looking to live a more peaceful, simpler life.
First appearance: October 1st, 2001
Nurse Elsa
Age: 24
Sex: Female
A recent college graduate who moved back to the valley to service her friends and family. Married to the local cobbler (who has yet to appear in the strip), a childhood friend of hers.
First appearance: October 1st, 2001
Age: 48
Sex: Female
Muriel, a strong, independent widow, owns and operate The Dresser clothier, where Hans' mother works.
First appearance: October 8th, 2001
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Working as an apprentice at The Dresser, Heidi hopes to one day go into business for herself. And get married.
First appearance: October 8th, 2001
Age: 25
Sex: Female
A full-time clerk at her father's general store in town, Anna is a friendly young woman who just never seems to get a break.
First appearance: October 19th, 2001
Age: 13
Sex: Male
A kind local boy, Dieter enjoys serving other people. Generally quiet and reserved, he's a very deep thinker with aspirations of doing something to help the world.
First appearance: November 23rd, 2001
Age: 31
Sex: Male
A gentle, friendly man, all Bernie wants to do is rip you off good. He travels the world, buying and selling often-fraudulent products and his list of places he can return to keeps getting shorter. He's Mom's younger brother and she wants him to settle down or at least be honest.
First appearance: April 3rd, 2002

All contents © 2001-2002, John D. Moore.
Space for Hans is graciously provided by KeenSpace.